Citizen Chart – AHRC

Hospital has adopted a Citizen Charter:

This charter seeks to provide a framework that enables our users to know :
What services are available in this hospital, the quality of services they are entitled to, the means through which complaints regarding denial or poor quality of service will be redressed.

Standards of Services :
This is a General Hospital. It provides medical care to all patients who come to the hospital. Standards are influenced by patient load and availability of resources, which are generally under strain. Yet we insist that all our users receive courteous and prompt attention.

  • Doctors : 250+ (including Resident doctors)
  • Nurses : 400+ (including supervisors)
  • Beds : 1120

Casualty and Emergency Services

Timings: 24 hours, all days. Casualty Medical Officer and Resident doctors are available 24 hours all days. Duty Doctor is available round the clock in Major specialties viz. Medicine, Surgery, Orthopedics, OBG and Pediatrics. Duty Doctor is available on call in Neurosurgery, Anesthesia and Radiology. Specialists in Medicine and Surgery are available round the clock. In other specialties, they will be available on call. The decision to call a specialist is that of the treating doctor. Failure to respond to a call is regularly monitored by the Head of the concerned department. Emergency cases are attended to promptly. In serious cases, treatment /management get priority over paper work like registration and medico legal requirements. The decision rests with the treating doctor. Emergency Operation Theatre is maintained on a regular basis to ensure that it is usable at all times.

Emergency: 18004257505

Inquiries: Colour-coded guidelines and directional signboards are fixed at strategic points for guidance. Inquiry counters exist in the OPD Hall. Inquiry service is also provided through phones by toll-free number.

Visiting Hours
          8:00 a.m.   to   9:00 a.m.

Afternoon     1:00 p.m.   to    2:00 p.m.

Evening          4:00 p.m    to    5:00 p.m

Out-Patient Departments:
The OPD timings are from 9.00 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays 9.00 a.m to 1.00 p.m and Registration of patients is round the clock. Every Out Patient seeking treatment at the hospital is registered and issued a Card for recording symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment being provided. Boards indicating unit on duty on various days are displayed at the hospital front hall and in the respective OPD.

Special Clinics are held in the Hospital for various specialized diseases on specified days and times.
There is no facility for Organ Transplant & Radio Therapy in this Hospital as of date.

Indoor Treatment :
All patients admitted to the General Wards of the Hospital are treated free of cost. Free diet is provided to all patients in the General Wards. Visitors are allowed only at notified visiting hours in certain places like ICU, ICCU, PICU, NICU, OBG ward, and post-operative ward:

Charges for various tests are told at the place where the tests are conducted and in the billing counter. For poor patients, these charges can be waived partially or fully on the recommendation of the treating doctor and by the Resident Medical Officer. Staff Nurse is on duty round the clock in the ward. Admitted patients should contact the Staff Nurse for any medical assistance they need.

Laboratory :
Timings:  24 hours all days

Reliability and promptness of laboratory results is ensured as tests are done by automatic machines. Reports are made available within the shortest possible time which will be specified.

Blood Bank:
A licensed Blood Bank is available in the hospital, it caters to the requirements of our patients.

Miscellaneous Facilities:

The Hospital has a Civil and Electrical maintenance division and a hospital workshop Units for maintenance of buildings and its various equipments. If any major or essential equipment is out of order, information regarding the same is displayed. Indications of alternate arrangements are given wherever possible. The likely date of recommissioning of the equipment is also displayed.

Wheel Chairs and stretchers are available on request at the gate of OPD & Casualty for the facility of patients who are not in a position to walk. Lifts are available for access to higher floors. Ambulances are available for hospital patients on payment, round the clock on all days (Phone Number.There is standby generator to cater to emergency services in case of breakdown of electricity. Public Telephone Booths are available at various locations in the hospitals. Adequate drinking water and toilet facilities are available. Canteen facilities are available inside the hospital as well as outside the hospital. A chemist shop is located in the hospital premises which is open 24 hours on all days.

Complaints and Grievances :
There will be occasions when our services will not be upto your expectations. Please do not hesitate to register your complaint. It will only help us serve you better. There is a designated Medical Officer whose name and location is displayed in the hospital for attending to all grievances. Every grievance will be duly acknowledged. We aim to settle your genuine complaints within 10 working days of its receipt. Suggestions / Complaint boxes are also provided at various locations in the Hospital. If we cannot, we will explain the reasons and the time we will take to resolve.

Responsibilities of the User :
The success of this charter depends on the support we receive from our users. Please try to appreciate the various constraints under which the hospital is functioning.

Please consider the convenience of other patients. Please help us in keeping the hospital and its surroundings neat and clean. Please refrain from demanding undue favors from the staff and officials.

Please use the facilities of this hospital with care.