Extension Activity: Department of Physiology

  1. The department celebrated Nutrition week on 8th September 2014 at BGS Model public school, BG Nagara where the staff addressed the 1st standard children regarding the “Importance of Nutrition in Health and Disease”.
  2. The department also participates in the health camps organized by the institution and gives point of care testing at these sites.
  3. In 2016 Jnana Vignana mela, (a scientific exhibition organized by Adichunchanagiri Shikshana Trust) .I MBBS students participated with posters and models on Importance of Nutrition in Health and Disease.
  4. In 2017 Jnana Vignana mela, (a scientific exhibition organized by Adichunchanagiri Shikshana Trust) .I MBBS students participated with posters and models on Man under microscope (genes and molecular biology)
  5. In 2018 Jnana Vignana TantraJnana mela, the department won the first prize in “Jnana Vigyana TantraJnana Mela -2018” in Health and Allied science section with theme of diabetes mellitus
  6. Dept. of Biochemistry organized an extension activity for high school children of Sri Bhakthanatha High School (9th std.) on the topic “Awareness of Diabetes mellitus and its prevention” on 9th July 2018
  7. Preclinical departments organized a programme named “Prathibha Puraskara-2017” on 24th November 2017
  8. In 2019 Jnana Vignana TantraJnana Mela, (a scientific exhibition organized by Adichunchanagiri Shikshana Trust) .I MBBS students participated with posters and models on “National iodine deficiency disorder control programme”.
  9. An extension activity to mark the celebration of world Diabetic Day was organized by the Dept. of Biochemistry in collaboration with Dept. of Medicine and Dept. of Community medicine at Community Health Centre, Bellur on 19th November 2018