An induction programme was organized to welcome the first year students who are admitted to BGS VIGNATHAM INSTITUTE OF NURSING SCIENCES, BGS VIGNATHAM INSTITUTE OF PHYSIOTHERAPY, BGS VIGNATHAM INSTITUTE OF ALLIED SCIENCES. At the world school Nagrarur on 2nd December 2024 where students and parents welcomed by the Management and Principal of BGS VINS. The objective of the Programme was to make the Parents and students aware of the Academic courses. The rules and regulation of the Institution and ensuring Parental Participation in monitoring the performance and Progress of the students. The Programme started with the Students registration at 9:00 AM followed by the distribution of Aprons. The Master of Ceremony commenced exactly at 11:00 AM by
Dr Kruthika Naik Associate Professor , Department of Pathology AHS, Co-ordinator and Mrs Shobha Rani Associate Professor , Department of CHN.
The invocation song of Lord Ganesha was sung by Dr Nagashree M.V Professor and Head Department of Anatomy.
The welcome address was delivered by Mrs Anupama Yadav, Assistant Professor , Department of Paediatric Nursing. The inaguaration of Lighting the Lamp was done by the Honourable Guest Dr, Gangadhara K.S Dean cum Proncipal, BGS MCH , Dr. Krishnamurthy V.R. Chief of Hospital, BGS MCH, Dr Byaresh A, Principal of Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital and Research Center, Special Invitees of the day Mrs Bharathi Jethwani, Principal, BGS world school, Nagaruru, Mr Shantha Kumar H.P, Principal BGS PU college Nagaruru.
Address by Lt. Col Cecily P.J, Principal BGS VINS and Madan Mohan M.R, Principal, BGS VIPT.
Principal Sir emphasized on professionalism and conveyed the code of conduct in nursing profession. He also stated the objectives of BGS VINS to students and their parents.
Freshers of 2024 Batch were warmly welcomed to BGS VINS Family. They were being congratulated by respected Principal sir as well as all faculty members. Students were properly oriented with the facilities provided by the university and physical infrastructure of the campus. They properly oriented with their syllabus, examination criteria, rules and regulations of college, dressing code etc. Students were happy at the end of the programme.