BGS Medical College & Hospital celebrated World Health Day with a weeklong series of events from April 1st to 7th, 2024, marked by fervour and enthusiasm. Faculty members from various departments collaborated to ensure the success of the activities, fostering a sense of unity and highlighting the importance of a healthy institutional environment. The program received unwavering support from the college Principal, Dr. Gangadhar. The event’s activities were proposed and overseen by Dr. Malini and Dr. Shubha Praveen from the Department of Pharmacology.
Day 1: Awareness on Biomedical Waste Disposal
Dr. Gayathri, Professor & Head of the Department of Microbiology, delivered an awareness talk on biomedical waste disposal to the housekeeping staff. Additionally, Dr. Sandeep, Associate Professor, addressed the nursing staff on hospital-acquired infections. These sessions were organized by the Department of Pathology.
Day 3: Staff Debate Competition
The Department of Physiology organized a staff debate competition on the topic “My Health, My Right.” Participants engaged in spirited discussions about whether health should be considered a right, drawing on examples from around the world. The debate encouraged thoughtful discourse and kept the audience engaged. The day also had an enriching talk on detection and reporting of Adverse Drug Reaction to the Nursing Staff of the hospital.
Day 4: Environmental Quality at the Workplace
The Anatomy Department, focusing on the theme of quality environmental conditions at the workplace, organized a plant distribution event for other departments. Dr. Krishnamurthy, Chief Operating Officer of BGS MCH, delivered a talk on workplace environment quality and culture, emphasizing its impact on organizational health.
Day 5: Health Cooking Without Fire Competition
The Department of Dentistry hosted a “Healthy Cooking Without Fire” competition for the staff. Around 20 teams participated enthusiastically, showcasing their culinary skills and enjoying the experience.