The Department of Psychiatry observed the World Mental Health week from 03/10/2024 to 10/10/2024 conducting a series of events. In this regard the event was formally inaugurated on the 3rd of October, 2024 under the guidance and support of the respected Dean Dr. K S Gangadhara sir and Chief of Hospital Dr V R Krishnamurthy sir with the highlight of the event being the screening and release of a short film ‘HOMBELAKU- a ray of hope’. This film enriching the importance of suicide prevention attracted an immense response from the social media audience.
On 9th of October, Mrs Vidyashree Clinical Psychologist from the department conducted an awareness talk on perinatal mental health addressing the women of reproductive age group at a Primary Health Centre, Abbigere. During the week photography competition was held for the faculty at the BGSMCH receiving entries from the participants focussing on the theme “It is time to prioritize mental health at the workplace” which was judged by Dr Renuka Professor and Head, Department of Anaesthesiology. Dr Roopashree (Assistant Professor, Dept of Pathology) and Dr Bindushree (Senior Resident, Dept of Dentistry) won the best photograph awards. Short informavore videos were made by Dr Pooja (Assistant Professor, Dept of Psychiatry) and Dr Anusha (Senior Resident, Dept of Psychiatry) with the assistance of Digital Health and AI team of BGSMCH and released which focussed on workplace mental health.
The event was concluded on the 10th of October which was presided by the honourable Dean Dr K S Gangadhara sir and Chief of Hospital Dr V R Krishnamurthy sir and was attended by the faculty at BGSMCH highlighting the importance of mental health at the workplace and was followed by quiz and other fun games. The event received an extensive appreciation from the audience.